Gettings started with the module

Installation and updating the module

The module is published on the PowerShell Gallery, which is a public repository for modules, scripts and DSC resources created and maintained by the PowerShell team. This means that it's very easy to install the module on any system that is able to connect to the internet.

# Install the module
Install-Module -Name CloudiQ -AllowPrerelease

# Import the module into your session
Import-Module -Name CloudiQ

If you need to install a certain version, you can do so by specifying by using the -RequiredVersion parameter. If you need to use the module on a machine that has no access to the internet, you can download the latest release add it manually to your system.

To keep the module updated, you can use:

Update-Module -Name CloudiQ

Authenticate and connect

One you have the module installed and loaded, you can connect to Cloud-iQ by using the command Connect-CloudiQ with a client ID, client secret, as well as your username and password. To generate a client Id and secret, you need to go to the API management in Cloud-iQ and create a new client.

Then run the cmdlet to connect your PowerShell session to CloudiQ.

Connect-CloudiQ -ClientId xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx -ClientSecret xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx

You will be asked for your username and password after running Connect-CloudiQ.

Setting credentials for automation

You can set username, password, client ID and client secret as environment variables. The names of the environment variables need to be the following:

  • CloudiQClientId
  • CloudiQClientSecret
  • CloudiQUsername
  • CloudiQPassword

If you run your script through a pipeline, see the documentation for your selected product on how to set environment variables. If you are using the module on your local machine, you can set the environment variables the following way:


# Username and password
New-Item -Path "Env:\" -Name 'CloudiQUsername' -Value 'username'
New-Item -Path "Env:\" -Name 'CloudiQPassword' -Value 'password'

# Client ID and secret
New-Item -Path "Env:\" -Name 'CloudiQClientId' -Value 'clientid'
New-Item -Path "Env:\" -Name 'CloudiQSecret' -Value 'clientsecret'


# Username and password
export CloudiQUsername='username'
export CloudiQPassword='password'

# Client ID and secret
export CloudiQClientId='clientid'
export CloudiQSecret='clientsecret'